Cross Cutting Issues



Department of Economics

Academic Year 2022-2023

Cross Cutting Issues

(Gender, Environment, Sustainability, Human Values and Professional Ethics)


Chapters/Units As examples

Issue Address



Size and causes of Growth of     Population in India, Demographic Profile of Population in India, Sex Computation, Age Computation, Occupational Distribution, Life expectancy, Thomas Malthus, Theory of population, Cooperative Processing and women empowerment, Co-operative Processing and women empowerment, Indian population


Population Growth and Economic Development, Sustainable development, Green Revolution, problem of rising economic and social inequality, Sustainable and green development, Rajeshri Shahu Maharaj Water Management Policy, Sustainable Development, Concept of Scientific Socialism and Materialist approach, Thomas Malthus, Theory of population, Food security in India, Unemployment and poverty

Environment Sustainability

Human Development Index, Socialism, Co-operative Judicial system, Optimism of Smith, Division of Labour, Human capital and economic development, Mahatma Phule and education, Mahatma Gandhi Concept of Gram Swarajya, DadabhaiNauroji: Drain theory, Dr.BabasahebAmbedkar development policy, Consumer’s equilibrium, Black Money - Causes and remedies



Poverty, Unemployment, Measure to correct economic and social inequality, Liberalization, Privatization, Gleization, Role of Cooperative Registrar, Role of Co-operative Auditor, Banker’s rights and obligations, Bank Customers Rights and obligations, Planning Commission and National Development Council, NITI Ayog, Criteria of good sampling, Concept of Nationalism, Demand and supply

Professional Ethics


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