29.Best Practices



1. Title of the Practice:-


2. Objectives of the Practice:-

The main objectives of this practice are 

·        To improve the academic standards and to provide all the academic facilities to the students based on today’s need of the industry and organizations into which the students enter after they complete the degree course. 

·        To guide students to choose right career and provide skilled manpower.

·        To provide job opportunity to students in local organizations.

·        To establish partnership with the industries.

3. The Context:-

The institute thrives to create skilled human resource to see that students may leave the campus with excellence in all constructive dimensions after completion of their degree courses. We inspire the students to be focused on real world problem of industries and their current required skills because companies no longer just look for academic excellence, aptitude, group discussions and interview skills but are looking at how well your students are prepared to work in their companies. In the nut shell, industries need employable graduates for their support services. We construct the bridge between students and industries for proper placement through this practice. The practice reflects our aims and objective of empowering women and bringing them in main stream to compete as equal to men. This practice operates on three levels as

1. Academic partnership with various Companies

2. Placement in Companies

3. Alumni as faculty

4. Opportunities in local organizations.

4. The Practice:-

The practice is operated in following four levels

·        Skill India

 ·        Academic partnership with various Companies

We have academic partnership with Wipro, a software company based in Bangalore which works in software development. This company has made an academic tie up with us. The partnership includes training to our faculty regarding the new trends in software technology and current perspectives about it. The trained faculty trains the students.

·        Placement in companies:-

This practice involves all students & several faculty of college. Campus recruitment training at our college is designed to aid candidates in their preparation for recruitment through campuses. Students in their final step of graduation or candidate who has completed degree course and is looking for placement in reputed organizations can make use of this training to deliver their best in the selection processes of organizations such as Infosys, Wipro, IBM, Nokia, TCS, Gorgis Web Solution and many more. We aspire to be a professional trainer for the students who are appearing in campus placements to improve their logical thinking, interview skills and aptitude levels which are key points in campus placements. The candidates will be trained thoroughly in the following areas.

A) Personality Development

B) Examination Preparations Techniques: 

o   Aptitude Tests

o   Group Discussion process

o   Interview Process

·        Alumni as Faculty: -

The eligible and qualified alumni get recruited in our college as per rules of university selection procedure. We prefer the meritorious alumni as faculty. Many of alumni are working as Asst. Professor on temporary basis as well as on CHB.

·        Opportunities in Local organization:-

We promote the local organizers for providing jobs to girl students of our college. Presently, our students are working in local credit cooperative societies, departmental stores, hospitals and schools etc

5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required 

Students with potential for excellence are required to make aware and convince their parents about job opportunities in private and Multi National Companies.  Our students are coming from rural areas and have a vernacular medium, hence they lack of confidence so it is need to inoculate the self confidence among students.  Initially we had encountered a problem with communications skills specially communication in English to resolve it we have started career orientated course in spoken English.  Placement cell be strengthened and made more active. Separate cell, equipments and staffs are required for better functioning.  Parents and students are made aware of job opportunities.  More efforts are taken to make the students employable.  Students are motivated and are resources for motivation being made available.  More and more industries are invited for campus placements.




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